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Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Phoenix and Me.

Some folks wonder why I get so involved with the club, and what goes on around it. I've been told that I should just 'pay my money and watch the game', or that if I don't like what goes on I should stop following the team.

But I just can not do either of those things.

I was there when it all started. I remember reading on 'Into The Storm' about the Storms home game against Nottingham being cancelled by the arena. At the time we all believed that SMG were trying to force the clubs hand and increase the per game rental cost, so I, along with a handful of other Storm supporters arranged for a protest to be held outside the Arenas box office (aka 'The City Room').

As it transpired, we were all duped by Gary Cowan, who took everyones money and bailed, leaving the fans without a team. From this, a number of meetings were held at Manchester Town Hall, and out of this grew FOMIH (Friends Of Manchester Ice Hockey). I was one of the founding members, serving on its board for a number of months, until I was removed in my absence. I hold no grudges about this. A decision wa smade that my post was extraneous, and I abided by that decision, although it would have been nice to have been there when it was decided.

From there, I became one of the original 'Block Reps' at the MEN, looking after new fans, and generally helping whenever I was asked to. Shit, I nearly got banned from the arena for doing the job of a steward when a visiting supporter was being verbally abused by some scrotes, then having the nerve to call the duty supervisor out over it. Fun times.

After the MEN season is topped volunteering on a match night for personal reasons, but have still been involved with the club as intimately as possible. I have attended a number of meetings at Comtec at the request of Neil Morris, and enjoyed quite a cordial relationship with him until lately.

These days, I am seen by some as a bit of a troublemaker. I have never been afraid to question the club over some of its activites, which hasn't helped me win any popularity contests. I like to believe though that I have the best interests of the club and my fellow fans at heart, which is why I have been, and still am so critical of the current situation regarding the supporters club.

Sometimes, I do wish I could just turn up and watch the game... but it just wouldn't be the same.

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