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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

OUCH! Not good...

So, after a couple of weeks general improvement (including a number of road wins), The form of January has returned, in the shape of a thouroughly demoralising loss at home to Guildford.

Fone shipped 6 goals, all 6 of which he will likely want back. He was, to put non to fine a point on it, shite on Sunday. He looked slow and quite off the mark, reverting to type and rebounding shots he should have killed dead. The D wer not far behind him, gifting the Guildford fowards with space aplenty in which to work, with the inevitable consequnces.

As for the forwards... well, we seemingly couldn't have scored in a brothel. Big Ed seemed to be back in the old rut, looking like he really didn't give a flying fuck about the game. Sure, he hustled for the puck a few times, but his back checking was non existant, often leaving us a man down facing a rush. Pure laziness on his part. The he mouthed of to the ref (more on him later), and got himslef a 10mins misconduct. Followed up not too much later with another (and a match penalty to boot) for his petulant and frankly embarrasing ranting from the box. Muppetus Maximus as the Romans would have put it.

And Tony reverted to his '2 lines FTW' tactics... which clealry now does not work. Everyone in the league has our number on that one. Last weeks 'makeshift' (ie, Ed-less) attacking was much better to watch, showing more variety and invention. Ah well.

And now to the main course... MR Wardell our, ahem, 'esteemed' refferee.

His performance on the night was absolute shite. Seriously, he was awful. At one point, one of the linos had to point out he had just not called a blindingly obvious trip, which he somewhat reluctantly then did call. He also missed many, many other obvious penalties (against both temas being fair), quite a few of which he was looking directly at.

He clearly upset the team as they mostly refused to handshake him after the game. Fact is he was not in control of the game at all, and it could have spiralled into chaos very quickly were it not for the fact that most of the player kept their cool (dis-hounorable mentions go to Ed, Payette, and Tony, all of whom picked up 10 minute misconducts). Shit, even Boothroyd had to be shepperded away from him at one point, and he is one of the calmer players.

And I still don't think anyone knows what exactly Ed did initialy to get his misconduct. Wardell stopped the play, seemingly to call a penalty on Ed, who turned round and mouthed off, and Wardell slapped the misconduct on him. Any ideas?

And we've apparently got him on Thursday. Oh joy.

*takes deep breath*

And relax.

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