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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lost for words...

3 home defeats on the bounce.

18 goals shipped.

Er, Houston, we have a problem.

Ok, so Sundays performance against Basingstoke wasn't as dire as Thursdays was, but there were still far too many basic errors being made, especially by players with enough experience to know better. Sure, TH rolled with 3ish lines, but the bulk of the icetime went to the 1st line, and it showed. Basigstoke knew how to limit our offence, and creamed our D. It was probably more luck than judgement that we lost as lightly as we did.

And I really don't know what to write. I could rant and rave about piss poor defense work, a powerplay that couldn't score in a brothel most of the time, or the seeming inability of TH to look beyond EC for scoring options, but what good would it do? Sure, it might make me feel a bit better, but I still have to go back to the rink on Sunday, and that is something I am not looking forward to at all. My only hope is that some lessons have finally been learnt, and the players can pull this shit out of the fire, before things get way too fucked.

Bad times, but at least we are still heading to the playoffs! Team or no team, the party starts with us!

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