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Thursday, November 25, 2010

OK...I've been beyond lazy...

Yes, I haven't done an update since the start of the month. What can I say? I'm a busy guy with loads of other stuff going on (and believe me, writing one 500 word match report on a Monday evening is enough. There is no fucking way I'm gonna try and do two of the fuckers).

Anyhooos, what can i say about the past couple of weeks activity in the Dome? Well, lets see:

Being beaten by the Bison when we had the game won... Yup, we stole a defeat cleanly from the jaws of victory. And it fucking hurt. Especially after the muppet known as Wiggins had totally failed in his quest to draw a scrap out of the Phoenix players (hmm, hitting a player in the face when he won't fight you...thats a samrt move. Not.). Of course, afetr calling Mr Wiggind a muppet on THF, I was meerly being a 'sore loser'. Naturally I explained myself (more than once): Wiggins will always be a muppet in my eyes, as long as he keeps on acting like one, whether we win or lose against the Bison.

And to follow that...

Andrew Sharp joins the Phoenix. I'll freely admit that my first reaction was 'What the fuck? has Tony started to go a bit senile?'. Then I thought about it a bit. Sharpy ahs a rep for being a bit 'wild' shall we say, which might just work in our favour. After all, who's going to try and, oh say slash a player of the puck (Tubby Boy from dahn sarf, I'm looking at you!), when you know that Sharpy will just come onto the ice and try and ring your bell with his fists? It will certainly make a fair few of the leagues agitators/'hard men' think twice. (but please, Gods of hockey, let Sharpy twat the Greeners, preferably into the middle of next season). And being fair, if any coach can control Sharp, its Tony. He controlled Anglestad, Cloots, and Payette easily enough. Which brings me to my next point of interest...

Payette joins the Steeldogs. Which means Sundays game over on the wrong side of the hills should be a bit tasty. I'll stick me neck out and say there will be at least 1 bout of fisticuffs in iceSheffield. Dont want to call the winner though.

Thankfully from a non fighting perspective a semblance of normailty reigned this past weekend as we won our home game, if in a slightly nervy manner. The lads were/are clearly a bit down, so hopefully a return to winning ways will perk them up a bit.

Hell, it better, as I'm getting seriously pissed off with going home miserable. It don't exactly keep the missus happy.

See you all on Saturday, peeps. I can't fucking wait.

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