
This blog can, and does contain language which many readers may find offensive. If you don't like swearing, it might be a good time to read a different blog...

Seriously. this is most certainly a blog written by an adult, containing adult language.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Small changes

Those of you who are regular visitors to this blog might have noticed I've added an entry screen (courtesy of Blogger) when you visit.

This is in response to a number of complaints I have had recently about the use of adult language on the blog. It seems that my warning at the top of the page has been insufficient for some newer visitors, and as such I have had to take this step to remind people that this is a blog written by an adult, who likes to use adult language, especially when discussing a subject that he feels passionate about. Within this blog, I let off steam. Often times, the easiest way to do this is with some carefully chosen expletives. I certainly am aware that my usage of the 'C' word before Xmas upset people, but I did justify the context, which is rare for myself as I feel that if you have to justify the context, then you shouldn't be saying what you are saying in the first place.

Regardless of this, everyone is now pre-warned. I can, and do use adult language. I make no apologies for this. I will continue to use this language when I deem it to be appropriate. I don't make people read this blog, you all read it of your own volition. Please, if you have an issue with what i write on here, contact me directly, not via a 3rd party. I'm easy enough to get hold of either online, or at the rink.

Thank you for your time.